Sunday, July 5, 2009

when I was...

biggest lie
An elderly gentleman who was walking along a road niticed a crowd of small boys sitting in a circle around a puppy dog of doubtful pedigree.

"What are you doing with that dog?" he asked kindly.

"Whoever tells the biggest lie wins the dog," said one of theboys.

"oh," said the man, "I am surprised at you boys, for when I was small like you I never told a lie."

There was a moment's silence. Then one of theboys finally spoke, "Give him the dog."

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

No Sharks

no sharks

Little Raju wanted to swim in the river. He asked the few boys hanging around, "Are there sharks in the river?"

"No sharks" they said.

He jumped in and was enjoying himself. To make doubly sure he shouted to the boys again.

"Are you sure there are no sharks in the river?"

"No sharks - sharks are afraid of crocodiles!"

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Friday, January 9, 2009

Count one to ten

Husband: You get angry very fast.
Wife: Yes, but what can I do?
Husband:When angry, count one to ten.
Wife:How would that help?
Husband:I'll get enough time to run away.